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Sunday, 8 January 2012

Rockover Growl 3

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Yesterday was spent down at Rock Over Climbing Wall in Manchester for the third GROWL contest. Reports from the first and second contests can be found here for the October event and here for the December event.

January's contest started off quiet, just a few dozen competitors there for the initial briefing. There was no sign of hanging ball problems today, instead some tricky looking volumes to negotiate. We were impressed to see so many of the climbers going through serious warm up routines - looking after your body like that is a great way to help prevent injuries, especially on a cold winter day.

Early remedial treatment on neck/shoulder muscles
Craig demonstrating his skill

Early arrivals taking time to consider moves and watch others on the problems before it got busy

Total focus and determination on the final move.....

Receiving soft tissue therapy to forearms...tired from climbing, or treating an underlying issue caused by daily postural biomechanics?

The tricky spot prize problem....not many topped out on this one!

Jordan Buys receiving post-contest soft tissue therapy and missing his prize being awarded!! Thankfully Naomi was on hand to collect it for him.

Paul being lifted and dropped by the prize winning ladies.....causing lots of amusement!
Thanks to all of you who came along for a chat about climbing, injury prevention or to have a free treatment. As always at these events, donations are gratefully received and we went away with £15 for Glossop Mountain Rescue Team; we know they will appreciate it.

See you all at the 4th and final GROWL on Saturday 11th February.

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