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Friday, 28 October 2011

Continual Professional Development

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What are we doing to make our services better for you?

We spend a considerable amount of time reading, researching and learning new techniques so that our clients get the very best treatments. We have an extensive library of books which are continually being pulled of the shelves, and the internet is abound with resources for us to delve into. Whenever we come across a new health condition or injury we spend a lot of time learning about it.

Being able to give each other treatments and practicing new techniques, is great. It means that when we come to provide you with a treatment our skills have been tried and tested - plus we know what it feels like.

Finally, we go on courses to learn practical skills and new knowledge from the myriad of experts in our field. The next courses we are attending are:

6 November - Lynne is attending a course in Manchester run by Professor Shirley Sahrmann: Differentiation and Effective Management of Lumbar Spine and Hip Pain using the Movement System Syndromes Approach. Lynne will be learning about "the factors that contributing to these syndromes of the lumbar spine and hip, how to correct any offending movements and as such be far better equipped in determining the regional source of back and hip pain AND, more importantly, how to successfully train and rehabilitate the person."

11-14 November - Tim will be attending an Advanced Therapy Course run by John Gibbons in Oxford. This course focuses "mainly on the treatment of postural dysfunction for the major joints" and aims to give therapists "the knowledge and practical experience to competently assess, treat and be able to identify specific dysfunction within the musculo-skeletal framework."

This is a selection of the things we do to keep our knowledge up to date with what is going on in the world. All of these modalities of study count towards our Continual Professional Development. As level 4 members of the Sports Massage Association we are bound to complete a minimum of 40 hours per year of CPD. Both of us far exceed this requirement and are always seeking new knowledge to improve our treatments for you.

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